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become a genb

Are you younger than 30 years old and would you like to contribute to the sustainable and circular transition of your country and Europe?
Join the Generation Bioeconomy Ambassadors to:

01. Make your voice heard in political decisions, dialoguing with communities, students and civil society, and politicians at national and European level

02. Raise awareness for the bioeconomy especially in youth communities in your country

03. Contribute to the GenB project’s social media channels to raise awareness about the role of the bioeconomy in everyone’s life

04. Participate in the GenB events to inform and inspire others about sustainable and circular bioeconomy

Check out the open call also in:

What is the role of GENB ambassadors

GenB Ambassadors inform and inspire their communities on sustainable circular bioeconomy and bioeconomy related-fields (e.g. food systems, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, bio-based sectors, nature-based solutions, blue bioeconomy, rural development, ecosystem services, climate change, biotechnology).

They are dedicated individuals eager to reach out to communities, students and civil society, and raise awareness on social media about the role of the bioeconomy in everyone’s life.

They reach out to youth communities and support the ongoing youth and education related processes of their countries.

The categories of GenB Ambassadors

Who are we
looking for?


Young biovoices (i.e. students): All who have interest in bioeconomy and who will inspire many other young people increasing their awareness on bioeconomy, and will engage them in changing their lifestyle.

Young Green

Young green activists: Those who participate in social movements (es. Friday for future) or youth communities (i.e. scout, welfare and inclusion, beach clean-up etc.) to raise awareness on the bioeconomy and sustainability action.

Young Green

Young green-sensitive influencers: Social Media Influencers/Content Creators talking about sustainability topics to their community on Instagram and YouTube.


Young environmental journalists: Young people creating contents about bioeconomy and/or sustainability in blogs, journals, schools’ journals, or social media channels.

  • Any youngster who published or has an interest in publishing (writing or photo/video reporting) on bioeconomy topics in any social media or other formal/informal channels.


Young career testimonials: Any person working or studying in the field of bioeconomy or any related field who will share their professional/study experiences to inspire young generations These may include:

  • Young entrepreneurs who have a start-up or own activity in the bio-economy related fields;
  • University students in bioeconomy related fields;
  • Researchers who demonstrated an interest on the related topics (e.g. published a scientific article, given out university classes, organized an academic conference)
  • Any professional / practitioner in bioeconomy fields (i.e. agronomy, fishery, climate change)
  • Non-formal educators (such as museums, theatres, festivals, fairs, amusement parks, journalists, NGOs, science communicators, media producers, etc.) that work with young generations to act as multipliers
  • Formal education providers (schools, teachers, educators etc.) that work with young generations to act as multipliers.

  • 30 years old maximum
  • Is committed to giving time to the GenB Ambassador programme

  • Participate in trainings and capacity building webinars (in English)
  • Expand your key hard and soft skills and knowledge about the bioeconomy
  • Visibility in the European and national bioeconomy and sustainability action
  • Have your contents published in @biovoices social media channels (more than 10K followers)
  • Peer-learning dialogue with other Bioeconomy Youth Ambassadors
  • Being invited in in the European online events and conferences
  • Have an impact on the decision-making process related to the bioeconomy action at national and European level
  • Recognition/award for your engagement

GenB Ambassadors are expected to undertake a term of up to two years.

The GenB Ambassadors – Young biovoices will:

  • Contribute to the creation of media contents (such as video, quizzes, educational card)
  • Participate in social media campaigns
  • Selected Young Biovoices will participate to capacity building webinars
  • Participate in GenB “driving the transition” International Competition

The GenB Ambassadors – Young green activists and young green-sensitive influencers will:

  • Cooperate on social media (e.g., share, repost…)
  • Launch social media campaigns
  • Participate in online mutual learning workshops
  • Be a reporter of your activism in GenB channels

The GenB Ambassadors – Young environmental journalists will:

  • Create GenB contents as journalist on @biovoices channels
  • Publish at least 2 news on their own channels and repost it on GenB channels
  • Participate in online mutual learning workshop

The GenB Ambassadors – Young career testimonials will:

  • Contribute to Bioeconomy job profiles (factsheet explanation for teachers and high-school students)
  • Participate in the Bioeconomy Career Info Days as a speakers
  • Participate in online mutual learning workshops

Fill in the application form, it is a continuous open application!

The selected GenB Ambassadors will be informed within one month after each cut-off date.



If you have questions, please send an email to specifying “GenB Ambassador” in the object.