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GenB is all about educating and empowering the Generation Bioeconomy (GenB), aware, sensitive and interested in environmental issues, sustainability and circularity.

It aims to raise awareness on Bioeconomy building on communication and education that encourage and reward young BIOVOICES to take a role in steering the transition towards more sustainable lifestyles.

Launched in November 2022, GenB is a 30-month project, funded by Horizon Europe, the European Union’s funding programme for research and innovation.

Discover GenB

Stand up for

Rise Up Bioeconomy!
Lift up Your BIOVOICE
What will GenB do?

Co-create innovative

Co-create innovative approaches Facilitating cooperation with young people, parents, teachers and other formal and non-formal education professionals, to provide formats, materials and toolkits on bioeconomy and bio-based sectors.

Inspire influence and informyoung people

Raising their awareness of sustainable and circular bioeconomy and bio-based sectors, including the promotion of bioeconomy careers.

Educate young people to

The transition towards a more sustainable and circular behaviours and lifestyles

Training teachers in teaching environmental issues andengage

Multipliers to promote the bioeconomy to their target audiences

Engage and Empower GenB Bioeconomy

the frontrunners in driving the change by attracting and influencing other young people

Support them totake a role

Creating opportunities to make their ‘voices’ heard and assume their role in the transition.