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GenB at the Athens Science Festival 2024

August 2nd 2024

The Athens Science Festival (ASF), celebrated its 10 year anniversary this year and GenB was there. From April 16 to April 19 the Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature (HSPN) with the support of Q-PLAN International, participated in the festival with an interactive showcase of bioeconomy products and hands-on labs activities for children of all ages and adults. The HSPN focused on raising awareness and promoting education about the bioeconomy and circular economy, all within the framework of the HORIZON GenB Biovoices project.

The “Bioeconomy Village” exhibition became a hub of activity, attracting a diverse audience eager to learn about sustainable practices. With a large variety of bio-based products ranging from simple items like wooden toothbrushes to impressive bottles made of bioplastics and notebooks with paper made from animal waste, visitors of the festival had a chance to come in contact with bioeconomy and the alternative options it provides for a more sustainable everyday life.

During the 6 days of the festival, more than 15.000 attendants including students from all over Greece, teachers, parents and general public from all over the world visited the HSPN GenB counter, learned about bio-based products, waste valorisation and composting and were introduced to GenB’s innovative educational tools on bioeconomy. HSPN’s EU Projects and Educational groups conversed with the visitors helping them grasp the basic concepts of bioeconomy and explaining basic processes of bio-based production in fun and engaging ways.

One of the highlights was the hands-on labs for children, where participants engaged in creative activities such as painting Easter eggs using natural dyes and exploring sustainable production methods for everyday items and energy. The enthusiasm and curiosity of the visitors, especially the youngest ones, truly brought the event to life and provided a fun experience for everyone.

The activities were designed to be both educational and engaging, ensuring that young minds left with a lasting interest in science and sustainability and underscoring the importance of involving the younger generation in discussions about the bioeconomy, fostering a sense of responsibility and curiosity about the environment.

The event couldn’t have been a success without the support of fellow Greek project partner Q-PLAN international and, of course, the Greek GenB Ambassadors who not only supported the event, but were trained into actively participating in the engagement of the audience with “Bioeconomy Village” exhibition and the hands-on labs activities, demonstrating the power of collaboration in achieving common goals.

The Athens Science Festival provided a great platform for GenB knowledge sharing, but also created a space for meaningful interactions about sustainable practices. The positive reception from the public indicates a growing interest in bioeconomy and circular economy topics, which is a promising sign for future initiatives.

Author Xanthi Chantzistrountsiou (HSPN)
