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GenB Cross-Fertilisation Workshop for Green Youth Networks

June 18, 2024 Online
GenB Cross-Fertilisation Workshop for Green Youth Networks Image

Cross-fertilisation workshop for green youth networks

Tuesday, June 18th, 2024
Online: 15:00 – 17:00 CEST

The cross-fertilisation workshop is an online event fostering knowledge exchange, networking and collaboration opportunities among successful youth green initiatives and young individuals for the bioeconomy sector. The event is part of the Bioeconomy Youth Forum, a GenB initiative with a mission to build the knowledge, skills and capacity of EU and global youth networks for the transition towards a circular bioeconomy.

Who is the event for?
• Member-based communities and initiatives focusing on empowering the young generations to take the lead for the green/sustainable transition.
• Young students and professionals with passion for sustainability and the bioeconomy.
• Advocacy and human right groups focused on policy, social and other issues.
• Press and information portals focusing on topics related to sustainability, bioeconomy, policy and human rights – or similar.

What does the event include?
• Representatives of successful youth initiatives focused on the bioeconomy (such as the EU Bioeconomy Youth Ambassadors) will share their vision, mission and exchange good practices with other sustainability-focused networks for learning and inspiration.
• GenB partners will present the innerworkings of the GenB Ambassador programme running in the EU and 8 countries, along with insights and tips for replication.
• Participants (networks and individuals) will engage in networking to forge connections and discuss cooperation opportunities.
• Bonus session: Young participants will have the opportunity to shape the GenB Bioeconomy Youth Forum debates and express their vision for the future!


