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GenB session at ECOMONDO

November 7, 2023 - November 10, 2023 Rimini Expo Centre Italy
GenB session at ECOMONDO Image

It is increasingly self-evident that the priority for implementing a green transition, depends fundamentally on the availability of skills that are up to the challenges of our time.
The competencies must be of vision, planning, management and implementation skills.

Vision emerge as the driving skill behind the other levels of competences, without which it is not possible to shape the desirable future, underpinning the very scientific and social foundations of the green transition. As the same, it is not possible for companies to respond to market demand and be competitive in the green transition domain, and to public administration to serve the public's inter-ests in accordance with constitutional principles and with the path to UN SDGs.

In the context of the EU year of skills, ECOMONDO - the reference event in Europe for the ecological transition and the new models of circular and regenerative economy -  intends to deepen a policy oriented vision of the competences to be developed for the transition we need, in a cross-disciplinary and cross-society debate.

APRE will be leading the afternoon session on 10/11/2023 titled "Career orientation to green jobs for young students".

The session will be followed by a round table on the "Orientation to green job opportunities from a young age".

You can see the full programme of the event here!
