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August 2nd 2024

Date: 19 June 2024

Place: Town Hall of Lucenec, Lucenec 

The event “INNOVATION MEETUP BIOECONOMY” was organised by the Innovation Center of the Banska Bystrica Self-Governing Region together with the BioPark Slovakia Association. The event is taking place on 19 June at the Town Hall of Lucenec and it gathered the key actors of the innovation ecosystem, including policy makers, public authorities, business community, educational community, civil society in the Banska Bystrica region as well as other regions of Slovakia. It was the 6th continuation of the successful INNOVATION MEETUP format.

The goal of the MEETUP was to discuss the ongoing and planned initiatives in bioeconomy and establish new connections in this field. Several invited start-upists / entrepreneurs / innovators presented their innovative activities, solutions or approaches that are in line with the principles of the circular bioeconomy. The details, activities and goals of the GenB project were presented by PEDAL there, together with the various materials and activities available to educators.

Author Jana Bielikova, (PEDAL)
