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Taking a role

What activities will GenB Ambassadors do?

How will the GenB project involve them?

What formats has the project planned for them?

Activities implemented by GenB Ambassadors

Students2Students format

“Students2Students” format engages GenB Ambassadors as testimonials involving other students to informally raise awareness and inspire their curiosity towards circular bioeconomy. Moreover, this activity facilitates involvement of GenB Ambassadors in creating contents and actively participating in GenB activities (e.g., videos, training courses made by students, TEDx talks, educational cards, memes, etc.). The “Students2Students” format was proven to be effective in several previous experiences as it is based on the direct connection among peers (students), where older students are perceived by the younger ones as inspirational examples, who are close to their age, experiences and who share the same values. Families are involved as well, as students are the perfect multipliers of sustainability contents, greatly contributing to promote behavioral and attitudinal changes.

Becoming career testimonial

GenB Ambassadors are involved in courses or jobs related to the Sustainable and Circular Bioeconomy. Having them on board as career testimonials is therefore important to inspire, inform and attract their peers towards educational and working careers in the domain, finally contributing to raise the future generation of workforce informed and interested in this sector.

Becoming young journalists publishing on GenB social media

GenB involves young journalists in taking a role to develop communication materials (such as articles, news, video-reporting, photo-reporting, etc.) to be shared on GenB social media channels. Young journalists are selected either through the “GenB in Action” recruitment campaign or by identifying proactive youngsters already participating in other GenB activities, such as living labs, school project etc.

Thematic campaigns on social media

GenB transversally involves GenB Ambassadors in creating contents for GenB social media channels, making their voice heard and stimulating them to contribute to conveying GenB messages and values. GenB Ambassadors are empowered through basic and advanced level capacity building, depending on their proactive participation in the project, to ensure their effective contribution in the social media activities.