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Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival - Nitra edition

March 13, 2024
Bioeconomy Changemakers Festival - Nitra edition Image


9:30 - 10:30 TEDx talk
Career opportunities in the bioeconomy are surprisingly diverse. Meet some of them through the stories of 5 inspiring young people:

  • Simona Baldovská – from scientific career to regional development
  • Veles Farming – farming indoors? Yes, it is possible!
  • Katka Zvaríková – volunteer, traveller and educator with a focus on sustainability
  • Simona Hlaváčová – entrepreneurship with a social dimension

11:00 - 12:30 Meet the policy-makers
Does it make sense to pay attention to environmental policy, legislation, climate crisis, environmental pollution or circular economy? How does it work and how to get involved? Join us to learn more and discuss with our guests:

  • Vladimír Šucha – Head of the Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia
  • Branislav Becík – Chairman of the Nitra Self-Governing Region and member of the Committee of the Regions
  • Dana Peškovičová – Head of Science and Research Management Department at the National Agricultural and Food Centre, SCAR delegate SK and NCP BIOEAST
  • Ladislav Hegyi – advisor to Martin Hojsik MEP
  • Ivana Maleš – founder of the Institute of Circular Economy

13:00 - 16:00 Workshop “Bioeconomy as an opportunity for innovation and entrepreneurship

  • Discuss with experts, entrepreneurs and researchers.
  • Get an overview of the possibilities of concrete support for research, innovation in the field of bioeconomy and entrepreneurship in Slovakia.
  • Get inspired by examples of research innovators and companies in the bioeconomy.


Facilitated group workshop designed to get to know one's role and the possibilities of living more sustainably – also through the bioeconomy. Awareness and naming of one's own attitudes and habits and activation in this topic.

A facilitated workshop that will result in creative expressions in the form of collage, focused on awareness of one's own path through sustainability and the bioeconomy. During the activity, participants will work with different sustainability competencies and explore how they are doing.

Engaging awareness raising activities and inspiration from the bioeconomy

  • Career opportunities in the bioeconomy – presentation of various professions in the form of posters and the opportunity to meet representatives of professions
  • BioArt Gallery visually captivating presentation of various types of natural raw materials (biomass) and their use
  • Bioeconomy Village library of biomaterials and bioproducts that we can also use in everyday life
  • Exhibition of youth works on the topic
  • Creative workshops

Download the full programme here!

This event is organised in collaboration with
