Objective of the lesson plan
The students will be able to recognise the role of bioeconomy in our lives and share their knowledge with the whole school community. More specifically:
- students will understand the concepts of bioeconomy and renewable biological resources. (Teaching Period 1)
- students will realise how plants and natural materials can be used in the creation of products we use every day. (Teaching Period 1)
- students will brainstorm ideas for sustainable practices in their own lives, learn about eco schools and the 7-step methodology and use it to disseminate their ideas to the school community. (Teaching Period 2)
Lesson Plan for elementary school grades 4-6 (Also in Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak and Spanish)
Visuals (Also in Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak and Spanish)
KWL Chart (Also in Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak and Spanish)
Reflection worksheet (Also in Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak and Spanish)
Project – ChatterPix videos (Also in Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak and Spanish)
Project video sample – ChatterPix
Brainstorm map (Also in Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak and Spanish)
Eco code & bioeconomy (Also in Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak and Spanish)
Sample editable presentation – Bioeconomy lesson plan for elementary school (Also in Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak and Spanish)